Data in the Dumps: Finding Data through Dumpster Diving

eLoop offers companies security

When we talk about data security hackers, we usually think about a person at a computer sneaking into someone’s computer or server and stealing data. Do you know there’s an easier, more hands-on way for hackers to steal your data? It requires getting a little dirty too. It’s dumpster diving.

By collecting thrown-out hard drives or e-waste containing a storage device, hackers can easily access important information stored on these drives. In a recent study, roughly 37% of hard drives recovered through dumpster diving contained important information such as trade secrets and health care reports.

How could the hackers access the data?

The hard drives were not properly sanitized. If a hard drive isn’t physically destroyed, then it needs to be sanitized using software such as BitRaser. How can you ensure that your data security specialist is properly sanitized?

NAID AAA Certification

Through NAID AAA Certification, data security specialists are required to take the utmost care of hard drives and data storage devices. That includes knowing where the data is stored at all times and what programs are used to wipe the data clean. 

Your Data is Important

Keeping your data secure is important to us. That’s why we are NAID AAA Certified. From when we pick up your data and data-containing devices to when it’s destroyed or sanitized, we know where your data is located at any time.


What is E-waste?


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