Top Five Tips for IT Managers to Prevent Data Breach

IT asset managers hold a lot of responsibilities for their workplace. Besides keeping their company’s hardware and software safe and IT equipment functioning properly, one of the biggest priorities for an IT asset manager is to prevent their workplace from data breaches. In the ever-changing world of cybersecurity, it’s a must that IT asset managers keep up to date on all the ways hackers are attempting to steal data. In this post, we will show you the top five ways IT asset managers can prevent data breaches.

What Does an IT Asset Manager Do?

IT asset managers control all of the IT assets. This means they handle the assets from cradle to grave. They buy the assets, maintain them while they’re in use, and handle all IT asset’s disposition. In order to function at their job properly, an IT asset manager must understand how to handle the company’s IT budgets as well as understand computer functions such as networking and computer repair.

How IT Asset Managers Can Stop Data Breaches

Tip #1: Update Software and Hardware

The best way to prevent data breaches on assets still in use is by keeping your software and hardware up to date. Many of the updates provided by manufacturers are to seal up loopholes and exploits that hackers could use to gain access to your assets. 

Tip #2: Encrypt Data

Since hackers want your data, making your data hard to use is a great defense. This is done by encrypting the data as this protects the data from being read from outsiders.

Tip #3: Sanitize Data

When data is no longer needed, it should be sanitized immediately. Having loose data around allows hackers to possibly find vulnerabilities and learn more about your company which could lead to more hacking.

Tip #4: Use Strong Passwords

While easy-to-use passwords like “12345678” or “Password” are easy to remember, they are extremely vulnerable to attacks because hackers will try these passwords when trying to connect to your system. Use passwords that have mixes of lowercase and uppercase letters, numbers, and special characters to make passwords much harder to figure out.

Tip #5: Use an ITAD for Disposal

When an asset is decommissioned, many businesses throw them into a closet to be dealt with at a later time. Others just send the assets away to a standard recycler who does nothing to protect your data. ITAD, short for IT asset disposition, companies are equipped and trained to securely transport and wipe the data from decommissioned assets, providing businesses with the best possible solution. eLoop is NAID AAA and e-Stewards certified, which provides businesses with the most comprehensive data security option available today.

How to Incorporate These Tips Into Your Business

  • IT asset managers should maintain an accurate inventory at all times. This allows them to know where each asset is and who has access to it. 

  • Limit access to assets to only personnel who need it. Giving wider access to assets could lead to data breaches. Restrict access to personnel who need it.

  • Develop standard practices and policies. With a standard set of rules and regulations in place, this will help make these tips easier to manage.


Keeping assets secure to prevent data breaches should be a main priority for IT asset managers. IT managers play a pivotal role in any business to provide data security. By doing so, data breaches should never happen. 


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